The upstairs bathroom medicine cabinet/mirror has one of these slots. There's a little storage area behind that wall (my husband calls it a troll door) and they fall in there. We found old razors there after we moved in. Old houses are weird. Do you remember or still have the old med cabinet with Jan 17, 2009 · Yes. When I first got married I asked my husband what that slot was for and he told me it was for disposing razor blades. I thought how funny that was, and how bad it might be for people who remodel or tear down houses. My home was built in the 1950's, and still has the original medicine cabinets, so there's a whole lot of blades in there! How to Dispose of Used Razor Blades | Some old houses have a razor blade disposal slot inside the medicine cabinet. When you drop blades through this slot, they fall between the walls. If you live in an older house, check to see if your medicine cabinet has a slot. If it does, and you plan to remodel, be careful tearing out … Drop blade here | Huffygirl's Blog
60 Places to Hide Valuables in Your Home | Live Safely
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Razor Blade Disposal | Windows Forum
Hi, how/where to safely dispose of real razor blades? I don't want to fall foul of aDon't you have that little slot in the back of your medicine cabinet?ETA; If you do use a tin/metal container, make sure you put something like a... How to keep track of how many uses a razor blade has… I used to use a regular cartridge razor, but switched to safety blades about a year ago.Thus I regularly am unsure as to how much life my blade has left. Furthermore, sometimes my wife uses my razor as well, which further makes it difficult to track (and she certainly doesn't want to write entries in...
The House: Medicine cabinet
I was recently showing the house off to a friend who is in construction, and he remarked that the slot in the back of my medicine cabinet is for DE blade disposal--just drop them into the wall! He's demo'd a lot of bathrooms with piles of old razor blades behind the walls from just such a slot. Pretty cool. Maggard Razors Blade Bank Used Blades Lifetime Wall Slot ... This is a simple, efficient solution to the sometimes annoying problem of safe disposal of old blades. We decided to come up with a way to add a slot to your bathroom wall so worrying about used blades is a thing of the past, and add a great conversation piece to your bathroom! INCLUDES: Old time medicine cabinets had a slot in the back for used ... The upstairs bathroom medicine cabinet/mirror has one of these slots. There's a little storage area behind that wall (my husband calls it a troll door) and they fall in there. We found old razors there after we moved in. Old houses are weird.
Razor Blade Slots In Medicine Cabinets
Razor blades in wall | Badger & Blade, Pinterest, Reddit, Imgur, YouTube, Pinterest, IS Architecture, Huffygirl's Blog -, Pinterest, Reddit, Pinterest,, Atomic Toasters, Scott Simpson, Pinterest, Reddit, IS Architecture, Apartment Therapy …
How to Dispose of Razor Blades • KC Protrade Services… Razor blades have a way of making their way out of a trash can. So instead of just tossing them in by themselvesI don't know the years exactly but did you know that in older houses the used to have slots in the medicine cabinets and they just slid spent razor blades into the slot and they feel down... How Do You Dispose of Dull Utility Knife Blades? Many old medicine cabinets had a razor blade disposal slot and some of these blades could work their way down into the basement.Because often my blades are used around the house, and if I don’t have enough garbage to justify a bag for a project, a dull blade goes into household garbage. Feather Blade Disposal Case: Health & Personal…